We will work with you to select the most appropriate engagement methods for your needs; from the ‘before’ stage agreeing the scope and scale of the consultation to the ‘doing’ stage of hosting consultation events, through to the ‘after’ stage of evaluation. We particularly experienced in handling consultations on technically complex issues and are skilled in running consultations for nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs).

Design and Delivery

We develop and implement practical community consultation exercises to ensure that local stakeholders are involved in major projects, plans or policies.  We use innovative techniques to inspire people to get involved.

Engagement Materials

We prepare clear and appropriate consultation materials for consultation programmes. Service examples include writing storyboards, fact sheets, community newsletters and brochures.

Creative Engagement

We develop simple but contemporary websites that help reach a wider audience than is possible with just traditional media channels.  We partner with creative agencies to develop info graphics and animated videos to help explain technical topics.

Digital Engagement

We advise on all aspect of online engagement: from crowdsourcing and online surveys to platforms and stakeholder management databases. We can monitor what people are saying via social media channels or implement fully interactive campaigns.

Stakeholder Management

We configure stakeholder management databases to help record, maintain and report on every interaction with stakeholders, providing a strong audit trail.

Consultation Reporting

We follow up and close out on engagement activities. Service examples include analysing consultation outcomes and reporting of results. We are adept at turning data into information and information into knowledge that can be used in the decision making process.

Engagement Advice

We provide ad hoc or on-going advice and monitoring of engagement processes – from pre-application community consultation (PACC) programmes, Statements of Community Consultation (SoCC’s), Statements of Community Involvement (SCI’s) to engagement processes included in Social Impact Assessments (SIAs).

Engagement Inspection

We can impartially evaluate the effectiveness of your consultation processes. This includes making sure that your consultation or engagement process meets statutory pre-application community consultation (PACC) planning requirements, equality legislation, as well as the principles of good engagement.



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